Huairui Chu (褚怀瑞)

I'm Huairui Chu. Now (2023) I'm a master student in the school of computer science and engineering, in Nanjing University. I'm interested in theoretical computer science, especially in parameterized complexity.


2017 - 2021: CS, UESTC. Bachelor.

(School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology)

I joined Algorithms and Logic Group in UESTC in 2018 and professor Mingyu Xiao advised me. We wrote a paper in 2019. In this paper we improved the algorithm for SAT using branch and bound technique and some new detailed analysis. Later I studied Feedback Vertex Set problem and finished my bachelor thesis on this topic.

2021 - now: CS, NJU. Master.

(Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University)

My advisor is Bingkai Lin now. In 2022 we wrote a paper about parameterized approximation using treewidth. We extended the idea of compressing DP tables and explored a simple greedy strategy. We solved several problems using these techniques.


--Chu, Huairui, Mingyu Xiao, and Zhe Zhang. "An improved upper bound for SAT." Theoretical Computer Science 887 (2021): 51-62.


--Huairui Chu and Bingkai Lin. "FPT Approximation using Treewidth: Capacitated Vertex Cover, Target Set Selection and Vector Dominating Set." ISAAC 2023.

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